Nite Ize LED products and their affiliate program management are very active in the visibility and safety markets for outdoor activities. Runners and bicyclists, especially, know that making sure you are visible is extremely important. But what about younger kids walking home from school or a friend’s house? A little light clipped to a jacket zipper as well as one clipped onto a backpack or shoes would go a long way in providing visibility in a poorly lit area.
Take it a step further and incorporate LED lights into a Halloween costumer this year. They are fun and functional, and the possibilities are endless. Check out the SlapLit, ClipLit or ShoeLit and get creative.
Other LED products from Nite Ize include accessories for being active as well as those for camping or simply needing some visibility. You’ll find a variety of lights with reflective strips specifically for bicycles and running. You can find everything from LED vests to spoke lights to ensure you are seen and safe. They also offer a cool light for hat brims.
The Nite Ize affiliate program can be found in the AvantLink network. Affiliate partners earn 12% commission within a 90 day referral period, and have access to affiliate-exclusive coupon codes. There is also a datafeed in AvantLink. All mommy, biking & running safety, homemade Halloween Costume and other related affiliates are encouraged to apply to the Nite Ize program. Affiliate Program Management is provided by Versa Marketing Inc.